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Wild looking stinkhorn

amazing looking orange mushroom from stinkhorn group

Amazing mushroom for your viewing pleasure! My sister sent me this photo of a very cool mushroom from the stinkhorn group. She saw it in Texas (near Corsicana) earlier this week. Interestingly, another person posted an observation from north of…

Floating log ecosystems


Very interesting photos of floating log ecosystems at a small lake in Michigan.From @sponge_research, via Twitter: “Found these really neat free floating log ecosystems in one of the lakes we sample. Pitcher plants, sundews and other stuff. Lake was filled…

Watershield in flower


Watershield (Brasenia schreberi) in bloom. I don’t believe I have ever seen watershield flowering. Have you? I really appreciate this photo from Wade Simmons, via Twitter. Watershield occurs in Oklahoma and Arkansas and surrounding region. Nuttall mentions it in a…

July 2, 1819

Nuttall's route in Oklahoma

On July 2, 1819 Nuttall “remained at the garrison [Fort Smith],” recuperating from his trip back north from the Red River. In a few days (July 6), he will resume his trip up the Arkansas river, with the Three Forks…

Flanagan Prairie

I have been thinking about Flanagan Prairie, a special place. A few days ago I shared a video from the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission that was shot on Flanagan Prairie–arogos butterflies on a pale purple coneflower. Flanagan Prairie is one…