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National Fish Habitat Partnership


Interesting article: These Teams Are Responsible for 800 Fish Habitat Restoration Projects Across the U.S. There has been a collaborative effort at work behind the scenes for years to expand and guarantee your access to great fishing. The National Fish…

Ozark Chinkapin.


The Ozark Chinkapin (Castanea ozarkensis) (taxonomy is in some dispute as to whether the typical Ozark form should be considered a species, or a variety–I tend to favor considering it a species) is a cousin of the American chestnut. Like…

Fishing Through The Apocalypse


Fishing Through The Apocalypse: An Angler’s Adventures in the 21st Century. By Matthew L Miller Barry Bruton–friend, early Oklahoma history aficionado, & alumnus of many Nuttall exploring trips, recommends this new book. I thought it may be of interest to…