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Rose verbena

Rose verbena

Rose verbena is commonly and reliably one of our early-blooming spring wildflowers. I found these last weekend, and expect we’ll see many more patches flowering in the coming days and weeks. After Nuttall arrived in Fort Smith on April 24,…

Parrots of Oklahoma & Arkansas


Today’s exercise in ecological imagination: the skies of eastern Oklahoma and western Arkansas are alive with the sound of the tropics as flocks of bright blue parrots move from forest to farm field to town, munching on seeds of red…

Nuttall Bicentennial, April 24, 2019

One month until the 200th anniversary of Nuttall’s arrival in the Poteau River Valley (April 24, 1819). One month until our 3rd annual exploration retracing his steps from the mouth of the Poteau River at the Arkansas (Belle Point, the…