Welcome to Ozwash Nature!

kids exploring river ecology by kayak

Ozwash Nature is: exploring, learning, imagining, restoring, conserving, enjoying. 

This land. These waters.

Ozwash–a mashup of Ozarks + Ouachitas–is the region known to geographers and geologists as the Interior Highlands.

Pronounce it Oz (like in the Wizard of…) & wash (like your dirty jeans).

Blue Carolina Parakeet Conuropsis carolinensis ludovicianus
Blue Carolina Parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis ludovicianus (Learn more here.)

Consider this blue Carolina Parrot an invitation to fire up your ecological imagination – envision the sky alive with the calls of these blue, cream, and orange-red PARROTS! Does this feel like a different place now that you have?

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